The RTE broadcast of our Celtic Prayers and Songs for Brigid is available on the RTE player online now.
Music and words
©Mairead Duffy & Breige O'Hare
Irish translation Margaret Fahy

welcome spring

Why not join us before 3pm for a retreat day, beginning at 11am in the parish hall next to the Church.
There will be scripture and story, song and space - all to help slow down, relax, pray. A chance to shake off the winter and look forward to the spring.
Bring your own lunch. Booking essential. Contact Breige at info@firststepwell.com
It would be lovely to have you with us!
A chance to feel God with you over Christmas

Withered: the God who offers release and freedom by being there with you in those places - in you and in life - that feel dry.
Finding Hope
11am - 3.30pm November 30, 2024
Clonard Monastery, Belfast
Begin Advent by taking time out to relax, to think and pray, to be with God. Slow down. Be surprised by God with us in these uncertain times. Find hope ... or stay still so that it might find you.
A day of song, prayer, scripture and story, peace and quiet, led by Breige O'Hare. Bring your own lunch. Tea/coffee provided. Ring Clonard reception 02890445950 to book.

Living in Hope
11am - 3.30pm, 21 September, 2024.
Clonard Monastery, Belfast.
A day of encouragement, a chance to renew a love of life and a sense of hope in a better future with God, caring for our children, caring for creation. Story and song, space for quiet prayer and space for conversation.
Led by Breige O'Hare. Bring a packed lunch. Tea/coffee provided. To book, ring Clonard Reception 02890445950

Laying Down
11am – 3.30pm, Saturday 9 March, 2024. Clonard Monastery, Belfast.
Gentle mix of prayer, song, story and silence, led by Breige O’Hare. Time to rest and recover a simpler, slower sense of Lent. Space to meet the God who lived and died so that we might know how much we matter.
Donation: £10 (or whatever you can afford). Bring your own lunch. Tea, coffee provided. Booking is essential. To book, ring Clonard: 028 9044 5950

Celtic Advent
Online Six Wednesdays: beginning 15 November, 2023
Birds sing in the dark, before dawn breaks. Advent invites us into the same kind of experience of waiting. We are in a world full of God but it can feel very dark at times. Can we find some joy as we wait, even in difficult circumstances? Can we take hope from some awareness, how small at times, that God is with us, that his plan for us and for his creation is a good one and that we are part of it. Can we still sing in the dark - sad songs and glad songs - knowing that dawn is breaking?
Following the pattern of the Celtic Christians by starting Advent in mid November, we take the time to slow down to see God with us. We clear space to let hope and light surface in this cluttered, crazy world: God's light here with us, and more light and life to come.
Open to those on Threshold Listening mailing list

Slow Down for Advent
Space and time for you and God
to get ready for Christmas together.
11am – 3pm, Saturday 25 November 2023.
Holy Rosary Parish Hall. Ormeau Road, Belfast
Led by Breige O'Hare. Bring lunch. Tea/coffee provided. Donation £10.
Very popular day, so booking is essential. Contact here
Around the Hearth: Songs, stories, music and magic
to help you tune into the spirit of the season and get ready to go into winter with God.
7pm- 9pm 27 October, 2023. Cost £10