We've turned prayer into a bit of a specialist subject, making it seem as if we need to be experts in order to do it 'right'. I don't think Jesus ever intended it to be that way. He didn't want experts. He wanted friends, people who would work with him to build up God's kingdom.
Prayer is a way of being with God that feels natural and meaningful for you. It is a loving intimate relationship with its own way of growing and its own ups and downs. Like every relationship, it can benefit from some encouragement and support at times. So, avoiding the sense that you need to read up to be an expert on prayer, I offer you some links and a few book titles that might help and encourage you.

Let's pray together
If you follow the link below you will find a page where I plan to put some ideas/resources of my own as time goes on. I'm throwing them onto the site in the way I buy random presents for people and toss them into a drawer for future use, or pop food into the freezer.
You'll never be quite sure what's in there but I do hope you'll find something useful and perhaps uncover a few surprises of your own along the way. So let's pray together.