About Spiritual Direction

The spiritual direction I offer is based on the teaching of Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits. He lived in 16th Century but was ahead of his time in terms of its spiritual and psychological insight. I see Ignatius's insights and approaches in the Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) used by Alan. Ignatius's focus wasn't on psychology but on God. For him, relationship with God was real, concrete, already available. Ignatius's teaching helps us know where/how to look, to realise there is no separation between 'spiritual' and human. All of life is full of God.
Spiritual direction develops prayer not as petition but as honest conversation with God. Just as in human relationships, honesty with God helps the relationship to grow.
SD encourages you to notice how life really is and to talk to God about it

Spiritual direction helps you find ways of being with God that are meaningful for you in your ordinary daily life.
Spiritual direction helps you notice the quiet presence of God in daily life.
In Spiritual direction, you notice how life affects you. You learn to notice your feelings and see their importance in living the life you and God want.
Spiritual direction frees you to be true to yourself.
Spiritual direction's main aim is for know God in a felt and personal way that makes a difference to how you live your life.
Spiritual direction helps you be more loving, more alive: like Jesus